Make A Joyful Noise

Psalm 98:4
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth;
break forth into joyous song and sing praises!

The Holiday season can certainly bring up a mixed bag of emotions. Especially this year with all of the different areas of concern that we have witnessed from politics, racial tensions, quarantines, financial woes, & COVID-19 disparities. There’s a sense that joy is nowhere to be found in all of this turmoil but that’s not true.

We have a reason to make a joyful noise in this season and every season because unto us a child was born. Not just any child but the Son of God was made flesh and to all who believe He redeems us from a life that was headed to destruction. Jesus was born out of love. The immense desire to become our advocate caused Him to walk among us allowing Him to know personally the condition of man’s heart. He can sympathize, comfort, strengthen, guide, and direct us. He loves us beyond depths that are obtainable by any other source.

When we keep before us the wonder of His birth and the sacrifice of His life for our sins, we can see past any circumstances and situations that keep us bound. This season then becomes one where we can rejoice as the Wisemen did because something wonderful was done to give us an everlasting well of hope.

Matt 2:11
And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshipped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.

We can open the treasures within our hearts to show Him love and adoration. We’ll let our worship carry us to places of sweet communion with Jesus where we celebrate His birth, life, and resurrection. The end result causes us to make a joyful noise unto our King.

BY: Rhonie McBerry

Rhonie is a licensed radiation therapist providing care to those battling cancer. She learned to embrace a new normal after being diagnosed with Crohn’s. disease and uses the power of words to encourage others to see past their darkest day to a brighter horizon.

She is the author of Embracing a New Normal, God Has Drawn The Blueprints Vol I & II, Words That Surround Your Soul devotionals, and a host of blog posts on her website


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2 thoughts on “Make A Joyful Noise

  1. Wonderful read… A positive message and most definitely a reason to be joyful. If everyone fully understood the PURPOSE of Jesus’ death and resurrection, all would be making a joyful noise unto the LORD. His LOVE for us is priceless and He cares for all… WHAT A GIFT!!! Merry CHRISTmas!!!