Sweet Place of Refuge

Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! Psalm 34:8

When I think of a sweet place of refuge I imagine someplace tropical or far away from where there’s nothing but peace and serenity. Sounds great and wonderful but how do I get to that place now? When life is a series of to-do lists and an array of things that cause stress, worry & concern. Where is my sweet refuge?

The Bible says that there is a place of refuge that I can seek right now. That refuge can provide what I need to ride out the severest circumstances. Where is this place? Sounds like the right question to ask but the question is rather who versus where. The refuge is Jesus and He is the source of everything needed no matter how great the trials or tribulations.

“For he himself is our peace,” what a statement from Eph 2:14. In Him, we find freedom from disturbance, where we can experience the condition of being safe. Jesus told us in this world we would have trouble but He has overcome the world for us. When we dwell in Him we can take refuge under His wings (Psalm 61:4). The sweet place of refuge is everything in Jesus.

I have come to understand that there is a place that is so sweet and pleasing in the presence of Jesus. Life can’t dull it, stress can’t defy it, and concern can’t overcome it. A safe place that covers me and keeps me safe.

A sweet place of refuge in Jesus!

By: Rhonie McBerry

Rhonie is a licensed radiation therapist providing care to those battling cancer. She learned to embrace a new normal after being diagnosed with Crohn’s. disease and uses the power of words to encourage others to see past their darkest day to a brighter horizon. She is the author of Embracing a New Normal, God Has Drawn The Blueprints Vol I &II, Words That Surround Your Soul devotionals, and a host of blog posts on her website www.RhonieSays.com.